Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Ahoy fellow American Friendships.
Or Ahoy blog page that I have so intentionally ignored for a few months. I have been expressing my thoughts more creatively and on a direct social level, instead of the usual introspective memoirs.

Which means, I've been busy, a new kind of busy..... NO.... not that kind, well maybe a little bit... OK, not at all, but I've got some things in the works. Enough about my love life, let's talk about something with substance... like.... drumroll please....

I was working at one of my fourteen jobs on election night, the job that requires me to serve alcohol to a massive amount of alcohol dependent Portlanders, that I love dearly, but for crying out loud, need to find a hobby that doesn't take such a toll on the liver. But who am I to judge? Anywho, the reason for my childish excitement, (besides the fact that I have ADHD), is not because I think everything is solved now, and our nation will now unite in to a harmonious community relieving ourselves of industrial revolution attachments and developments, or that we are now going to all get along, and any trace of racism, sexism, or class wars will now be but a vapor and fallen tribulation of the past. Or even for that matter, that now, finally, children will be raised in schools where they are taught how to grow food, create shelter, and trade goods in order to create sustainability within their own ecosystems... Or even that we, as a whole, will develop a human sense of priority among our international cohorts, and there will be a liberation of all those who are oppressed, held captive, or stuck in a set of laws that create boundaries around their need and god (or what have you) given right to share, think, feel, and be pro-active about whatever lights or plays their inner music. Or that factory farms and industrial raised "food" will all be taken down, step by step, and we will fall in to a trade system once so wisely used involving wild game, handmade goods, and for the love of God (or what have you), wooden...educational...basic...handmade.... toys. STORYTELLING WILL COME BACK TO LIFE! OUR CHILDREN WILL HELP WITH THE DAILY CHORES! THE OCEANS WILL BE CLEAN! ALL SPECIES WILL HAVE A SAFE ENVIRONMENT TO ONCE AGAIN CREATE A FOOD CHAIN THAT ISN'T INFLUENCED BY OUR NEED FOR MORE MORE MORE MORE!!! THREE CAR GARAGES WILL BE USED TRANSFORMED IN TO WORKSHOPS, LIVING QUARTERS, MANGERS, AND EVERYONE WILL LIVE CLOSE ENOUGH TO WORK TO BIKE OR WALK! WOMEN WILL BE ONLY ALLOWED TO WEAR DRESSES, AND MEN CAN HAVE THREE WIVES!!!!

ok... that last part is a joke.. I was getting a little ahead of myself. Although, a dress wouldn't hurt me once in a while, it would just get in the way when I'm crawling under the house, and building the coolest tree house ever.

No, I understand that this historic moment, where the first black president was elected, does not mean these ideals and values, and pipe dreams of my own will all surface in my lifetime. I know that some things have come too far, to go back to how they were before the revolution. And that is okay, it's my pipe dream, and I'm quite fond of it... And it gives me a lot of things to daydream about, and take part in in the way I live my life, and the things that I choose to learn, and how I hold myself within my own community. The challenges that I accept, and the ones that I pass on in honor of my own ability, and lack of such in larger things. I prefer to work on the small scale, and only when I feel confident enough, then will I start thinking about how I can effect change on the other side of the world. (Although good thoughts, and positive energy is a constant impact that is powerful on a large scale, therein I effect change by how I think, and what I feel and release)... as it is for all of us.
So think good thoughts for me dammit... Or I will not let you play in the tree house.

Um... so, however, about Obama. I think this is a big step for us. For the first time in my life I felt good about being an American, or titling myself as such. For the first time, I was proud of the majority voters, and I was inspired by the things that our future president said. I want him to know that I will be one of those who does not forget that it is a constant force of work and progress to grow as a country, and to communicate among one another in order to spread peace and knowledge, and create change in a scarred and understimulated population.

I'll have to write more later... But I love my class, so much I can't believe it. I am a sponge for learning right now, completely exhausted, but a sponge nonetheless.
I just had a flashback to a Seinfeld episode.... HA HA HA HA.... oh that Elaine, she cracks my shit up.

Love and Blessings,
and kisses and such,