Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Strawberry Roads and a Lil' Joe....

That's a great song.

I'm going to learn to play it on my guitar.
I have to learn a song before I leave for New Hampshire. I made that promise to myself, but it's not going so well because... because... I guess I'm just not making time for it.
I have a new peanut butter and jelly in my life, and he takes up a lot of my time. Mind you, I'm not complaining, we choose to spend that time together. That's how I likes it!
I don't mind putting other things on the back burner, to have true living and connected moments with someone I love.
That's right my friends, I do believe I'm in love. It's been some time, but I'll be a monkey's uncle if this man isn't the pajamas to my cat, and the knees to my bees.

But that's another story.
I have things I want to say.
There are things that need to be said.
There are things that are...
There are things.

I'm remodeling a house with two outstanding women and a random downpour of dudes with goatees that drink too many rockstars.
My cousin is pregnant with twins.
My Pappy bought a motorcycle.
I sewed my Momma's garden for Mothers Day.
I got rear ended on the way to the farm, and the girl that hit me got in another accident a few hours later.
I love Otis Redding.
I miss my friend Kraig in Tennessee, I was trying so hard to get there, but perhaps I didn't have the best of intentions.
A love of a friend is hiking the PCT for 5 months, I am praying for her safety, and hope good energy from all goes to her.
I'm going to build a cabin on the farm with my Jonny's help.
I hurt someone that said they loved me. And they aren't nice to me anymore. But I tried to do everything right. Maybe that was my first mistake?
My niece and nephew light up my life.... almost as much as my big Sister does.
I hope you have a lovely day.
I think you are very attractive.
Oh yeah.
And I'm broke.
But it seems to be working out pretty well so far.
