Tuesday, August 7, 2007


My face hurts.

I haven't laughed so much since I last watched blazing saddles... I went to Merrakesh tonight with my two beautiful roommates; Jules and Carli. We also had our friends Ben and Chappy there. It was my first time there, and it was quite an experience. I feel a little bit like I'm writing a piece for the Portland city search comment section right now, but I'm going to go with it.

Here's why. It relates to this course in so the following ways. We ate food. A LOT OF FOOD... We had five courses, not including a few bottles of Moroccan vino, and that fantastic lemon something tea that accompanies the coconut ice cream finisher. I don't do coconut, but it was enough to watch the rest of my good company take it down.

I left the establishment tonight feeling so fat and happy, and satisfied to the high heavens after an eccentric meal compiled of so many flavors that I will just hope that anyone who reads this might have the opportunity to visit themselves. Although I don't plan on making a habit of eating out, and instead make more of a habit of cooking my own food, I still took a lot from the dynamic around the dinner table with my friends this evening. This is what the experience of food and eating is supposed to be like. The communion of appreciating your food, and sharing it with those around you. Eat with your hands, get in to it, make a mess, enjoy yourselves. Savor the vast amount of flavor and diversity in your food and your surroundings. Play music, or put on one of your top five albums...celebrate.

In situations like this you realize how sensual food can be, and should be. You praise it, you toast to it, you stop and close your eyes and try to connect with each flavor in one bite, and smile when you become so overwhelmed with the wholeness and goodness of what you are taking in combined with your surroundings. Sure, not every meal will be like this. And would prefer that it be with food that I have harvested myself. However, during my journey in the labyrinth of food systems, I will stop and embrace the small moments of indulgence and appreciation with those whom I am pleasured to share it with.