Sunday, December 9, 2007

Lou Reed, Billy Joel, and Rita the boxer.

As I write this, Maggie is lying next to me, very upset that I won't continue to pet her while she falls asleep. Have I mentioned how much I love my dog? We had quite a day. But I didn't get on the computer to talk about my dog, and the unconditional love that lies therein.

I had a beautiful, dare I say perfect, day? I made choices for my health over my desire, and that is a habit I am looking to make constant.

The morning was busy, I opened at work, and saw a familiar face that I still wonder why is so unfamiliar now, and how it came to be that way. I care for someone in a human way, no more, and want them to be happy... I know I know... this is pretty standard stuff, but I wonder how a friendship can escape in to a reborn atmosphere of strangers. How do we go back to that. Well, we did, and so it is... I wish all the blessings in the world for him.

I had a fun time at work, got my ass handed to me a little bit, but I would prefer that over crickets any day. I had myself an amazing lunch, protein and vitamin packed, colorful and clean, just how I like em. Came home, took Mags for our evening walk down to Kellogg. This is where it got journal-worthy.

As I was rocking out on my Ipod, to some very jammable Amy Winehouse, a nice woman drove by with a dog in the passenger seat... "Have you seen a medium sized black dog without a collar?" she asked. I went on to find out she was missing "Shady", enter character one. Shady lives on 68th and Long, and decided to go for a solo adventure. She drove on looking, and I promised to keep an eye out. This is where my music was put on the backburner, and Shady was my new priority. Maggie Mae and I got to Kellogg and she did her standard program as I tried different dog calls for my new MIA pooch. I decided tonight that even thought it was dark, and that I usually stay in the "kinda" well lit areas, (as well as it can be on SE Powell and surrounding)... But tonight, I was on a mission. I walked head strong right through that creepy as hell alley in between the gymnasium and school building--ready for anything. I convinced myself that if I did not do this that I would regret it for the rest of my life (by the way, if you ever really want to do something but are too scared, this works really really well... the thought that you will regret it for the rest of your life, makes it so much easier to pull the trigger). So I pulled out my little pocket knife and made it happen. I did a little victory dance on the other side, and checked that off my list of things to probably not make a habit of.

I stopped every person on the street the whole way home, and told them of the search that was happening in the area, they agreed to keep an eye out. I met a nice young couple playing fetch with their two boxers in a parking lot. Rita the black and white boxer, took quite a liking to Maggie. So the rest of the way home I continued to call for Shady. One block from home, a med/large white dog without a collar comes across the street. Now this guy looked pretty beat up, and was not super friendly as Shady's mom promised that Shady as. So I was at a predicament. Is this Shady? Do I save him? Did hear black, but she said white? Oh shit, what do I do now.... Oh double shit, caucasian Shady is running in to the street... oh shit, he almost gets smashed by a bus. Oh triple shit, I really gotta pee, and I'm a block from home, and I can't save replacement Shady when I have Maggie on the leash, because new Shady no likey Maggie, or me.

Instant reaction: Run like hell home, drop off Mags, pee like you're on the side of the road, (wash hands), grab leash, keys, run like hell back to Shady Sr. The next forty five minutes was me, following around my new friend, with the occasional warning bark from him telling me to follow a little further behind. It seemed as though he was heading towards original Shady's home address, so I thought I was on the right track.. The problem was, white slim shady did not want my help, and he was not happy with my following program. He attempted to jump in to traffic a few more times which is when I convinced myself that I had to help him, otherwise I would regret it for the rest of my life (by the way, in this situation, not such a good idea, because then when you have to give up, or call animal control, you wont' be able to sleep)...
I didn't call the animal fuzz, instead I discussed with this crazy old man on the street and he agreed that Shades did not want help, and he was fine on his own, and that he is white, so at least people can see him in the street. That made me feel better, so I walked home, feeling half like a jackass, and half like a nutjob.

So I get home, and take one of the best naps of my life, I'm pretty sure I didn't even take off my gloves or hat, and had Gladiator playing on my laptop...

Jules gets home, says everyone's going cosmic bowling at hollywood later... I wake up later, and have to make this choice... Go to gym, go play... hmm... I've been so good lately, I do want to bowl.. that's exercise, but then I would want some beers, or white russians, you're out of your element donny. So I compromise... I go to the gym at eleven, but I stay away from the machines, and hit the pool, the sauna, and the hot tub... I love how things come together, synchronicity happening all around... I get to the gym and Gladiator is playing on the tv in the locker room, right where I had left off, I shit you not... And mine was a dvd... random. I do some laps, then on to the sauna, where I met a really nice woman from Eugene. She's interested in getting involved more here in Portland, and has history with the cooperative business and living situations, so we exchanged information about the coop, farm, and Kellogg garden. Anyway, it was a really nice conversation, and I felt like five million dollars after swimming and sweating like whore in church. I love saunas, I want one in my backyard tomorrow.

Not really sure what all this means, but my soundtrack to the gym and back was some extremely satisfying Billy Joel, sometimes you just have to go there you know? That piano will make you start thinking, and save all the memories you've made in the last twenty four hours... no matter how insignificant they may seem.

And tomorrow on to bloody mary's with Chocolate pants at Mother's... Mmmm.
I love me some breakfast.


alicia said...

you are an amazing, beautiful, strong, wonderful person, and i realize it more, the longer i know you... but i've known you your whole life... crazy, huh?
you do great things, and have a great way of telling the story. and how can you have a bad day when you've got billy joel?
love you!