Saturday, August 23, 2008

Noche, Bigfoot, and Pizza on the floor.

It's been a while since my last blog.
I finished up my two weeks at the gypsy cafe with an open invitation to return, and a sad farewell. I was leaving women that I had known less than a month, but we spoke and breathed as if we'd known eachother distantly for years.... a familiarity in the atmosphere that I will always remember.
Maggie and I said our goodbyes to Noche. We knew he had been sick the last few days that we were there. He was 14, and had lived a very full and free existence, his eyes were full of life, but the kind of life that is ready to leave this place. It was hard to say goodbye to him, but I knew it wasn't permanent. He passed about a week later, and my heart goes out to Tina, he was her companion and soul mate, and I know she is heart sick. Her and Barb placed Noche near the garden we built, just outside her door. I love you Tina, Noch will look and watch over you now, as your gaurdian, as you did him during his time here.

I left the cafe, and took off for california. Stopped by a farm in the middle of nowhere, and bought a peach from the most beautiful 80 year old woman I've ever seen.... I'm telling you, farming keeps you young, either that or she is hiding the fountain of youth on their property somewheres.
I also stopped by a place where they sell burlwood, as well as a large collection of individually unique pieces of burl furniture, clocks, decorations, etc... .the most beautiful functional art pieces I've ever seen. They also had ginormous tree houses that looked like they belonged in Alice in Wonderland and Swiss Family Robinson... I'd live in that shit, that's for damn sure.

Mags and I got in to the redwoods a little later than we would have liked, and it was starting to get dark... So being that niether of us had any clue where we were, we went to where we felt the safest, and camped at a pretty standard and accessible, somewhat populated campground/state park. We still had a large spot all our own, and a private view in the morning, but close enough to others to feel a bit more grounded.

We went in to stout grove and the back road to crescent city in the morning. It was nice because we headed out so early that the fog and mist were there the whole time we were in the woods. AMAZING.

We drove up the coast and stopped at a few different spots... I was planning on heading to Nevada from the redwoods, but smarty pants here left her bike and the Gypsy Cafe, so the girls agreed to bring it to Coquille on tuesday, which is near the coast, and I would meet them there, at the Cob Cottage to pick up the hooptie.

This way, I got to visit cob cottage, and see the ladies again, so it was a double whammy. The pictures of the property in Coquille don't even touch on, whisper at, or breeze past the intense beauty and sanctity of this place. I continue to be fascinated by what people create with their minds, and what their minds instruct their hands to do... That subtle transition, that faint intimacy of communication between your imagination and your phsyical actions, what your minds eye can emit to your senses and from there, sculpt on to paper, in to words, or in to three dimensional structures, just by the relationship between the body and mind..... unbelieveable, I feel like that is a pretty safe and fairly attainable yet challenging goal, to keep up that level of intimate language between my mind and body, and not cut off that love affair. And also, not to question or talk my mind out of things because my body is too tired to listen....
HA HA HA.... what a wonderful imagery that is in my head right now....
What's in yours? You should draw a picture of it!!!! Right now!!! Use colors! Only if you want to!

I'll write more later. I want to go draw a picture too.... and snuggle with my snoop doggy doggggggg.....